If you already have MacPorts installed and have no restrictions to use the rsync networking protocol tcp port by defaultthe easiest way to upgrade to our latest available release, 2. Alternatively, if you'd simply like to view the git repository without checking it out, you can do so via the GitHub web interface. See the Guide section on installing from git. If you are developer or a user with a taste for the bleeding edge and wish for the latest changes and feature additions, you may acquire the MacPorts sources through git.

#Pspp download mac install#
This procedure will install a pristine MacPorts system and, if the optional steps are taken, remove the as of now unnecessary MacPorts It is recommended to run the above command on a regular basis to keep your installation current. If on the other hand you decide to install MacPorts from source, there are still a couple of things you will need to do after downloading the tarball before you can start installing ports, namely compiling and installing MacPorts itself. If needed your shell configuration files will be adapted by the installer to include the necessary settings to run MacPorts and the programs it installs, but you may need to open a new shell for these changes to take effect.Īfter installation is done, it is recommended that you run this step manually on a regular basis to to keep your MacPorts system always current. This procedure will place a fully-functional and default MacPorts installation on your host system, ready for usage. The easiest way to install MacPorts on a Mac is by downloading the pkg or dmg for CatalinaMojaveHigh SierraSierraEl CapitanYosemiteMavericksMountain LionLionSnow LeopardLeopard or Tiger and running the system's Installer by double-clicking on the pkg contained therein, following the on-screen instructions until completion. Older versions are found at the Apple Developer site, or they can be installed from within Xcode back to version 4. Please note that in order to install and run MacPorts on macOS, your system must have installations of the following components.

The public key to verify the detached GPG signatures can be found under the attachments section on jmr's wiki page. Checksums for our packaged downloads are contained in the corresponding checksums file.